

Apr 25

Future Design: Semantic Web & Be Seated

While this isn’t necessarily a feature within our current design, our service could build its own ontology to be able to weave into the rest of the semantic web movement, using a program such as Protégé. For example, the ontology could utilise syntax’s such as FOAF to describe our users and if there is not a suitable ontology existing for venue reviews then we could build one ourselves.

We will store lots of data on venues and could utilise Linked Data to even infer more information from other sources. If we did build an ontology we would need to define the relationships between all the entities and draft up all the necessary classes and subclasses if an existing ontology does not exist. Our site will almost certainly collect a vast amount of useful information that could be accessed with more ease by others if we built the site to be semantic web-ready. It might be a worthwhile pursuit for any future design.

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