

Apr 23

Survey Analysis

Questions Analysis

Q1: Have you ever used a crowd-reviewing site such as Trip advisor?

74% of respondents have used a crowd-reviewing site which means these kinds of sites are popular among respondents. It seems reasonable that a new crowd-reviewing would be well-greeted.


Q2: Would you find it helpful?   

Only 44% of respondents think these kinds of sites are helpful. This means that crowd-reviewing site need to be more accessible and usable for users. We may need to pay more attention to considering what users require and what features they feel are helpful. It may also indicate they are perhaps not as trustworthy of the crowd as much of the literature tends to believe.


Q3: Would the reviews influence your choice?

88% of respondents may be influenced by the reviews. It, to some extent, confirms that BeSeated can be influential. On the other hand, we need to make efforts to maximise the credibility of our reviews.


Q4: Would the pictures taken by other users influence your choice?

88% of respondents may be influenced by the photos taken by other users. Thus, photos also can be an essential part of reviews. We should encourage our uses to add photos as they tend to make other users trust reviews more.


Q5: Would you trust the reviews from the crowd?

79% of respondents do trust crowds. This is excellent news for BeSeated and other crowd-review sites. We can be confident that users will believe the reviews they see if they are in great enough number and that and that our service could be trusted by its users.


Q6: If something is highly rated by other users are you more likely to favour that item than a similar priced item at a slightly cheaper cost?

76% of respondents prefer to buy a slightly expensive item which is highly rated instead of a cheaper but lowly rated one. Therefore, the reputation of items is one of most important influences in the decision of users. If we can provide users with a better seat, users are likely to buy it even if its a little more expensive.


Q7: Have you ever bought tickets for an event and then tried to check the seating location online?

79% of respondents are worried about the seats and want to check the seats online. It means BeSeated has market value and there is a demand for the service that displays the location of seats.


Q8: Do you find this information easy to retrieve?

Although 44% of respondents said they find the seat information easy to retrieve, BeSeated can be designed to meet the other 56% respondents’ requirements. In addition, we need to improve our service and provide users with other functions or information. This question also doesn’t reveal that the site could offer the quality of the seat not just its location.


Q9: Would you have liked extra information, such as a picture of the view you can expect to see from that seat?    

82% of respondents would like an image of the view they can expect to see. So we may not only provide the seat location, but also other information, like pictures of the view, the rate of seats, etc.


Q10: Have you ever been to a venue and feel disappointed by the seat (e.g. by the viewing angle or general comfort)?   

82% of respondents unfortunately have been unsatisfied with their seats. This is a problem most people have faced so that it may be sensible if it can be solved. That is the key aim of Be Seated, to help users find the best seats among a venue.


Q11: Would having more information make you to buy another seat if available?   

79% of respondents will buy another seat when having more information. Consequently, many users think highly of the comfort or viewing angles of the seats. However, while supplying a large amount of information, we also need to make sure the information is useful and accurate.


Q12: If a website was created that could show you crowd-based reviews of seats at multiple venues, with information such as viewing angles and comfort, would you use this service?

88% of respondents are likely to use Be Seated. It is vital news and extremely encouraging that we have a potential user base. Our site appears to be a feasible and worthwhile service that is wanted by people across different age groups. The market appears ready for Be Seated


Q13: If this service existed, what extra features would you also love to see?

There are some extra features respondents want our site to have. For example, in addition to seat information, some people want other information, such as traffic info, facilities nearby, especially the information about bathrooms (2 respondents suggest). Some people want to buy ticket through our website directly, and hopefully get some sort of extra discount. Others want to get more detailed information about the seat (e.g. the width, height, layout), as well as the rating of venues.

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