

Apr 22

Promotion & Marketing of Be Seated


How will we market & promote Be Seated?

In this post we will discuss possible ways to market Be Seated. We are confident that the service and idea is quite useful and rewarding for users but initially some leg work will be required to make people aware of the site.

Ideas for marketing:

  1. Make use of Search engines (e.g. Page Rank) to make sure Be Seated is easily found when someone searches for venues.
  2. Integrate with other services, such as Facebook to maximise our exposure and to make sure the site is easy to find and can be used with other more popular services.
  3. Stand outside of venues and promote the service directly and encourage people to sign up there and then while their experience is still fresh in their mind get them to review for the site.
  4. Ask venues to promote the idea post-event or via their newsletters.


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