

Apr 19

Business Plan: 1) Value Proposition

Any new service should think of a business plan and strategy to be successful. What follows is a series of posts that investigates the business side of ‘Be Seated’ following the CANVAS method.


VALUE PROPOSITION: What does Be Seated solve?

A way to utilise information from the crowds to get the best entertainment experience possible by finding the best seat in the house and also have impartial reviews of the venues you are going to attend. In times of austerity, entertainment is a luxury and tickets are not cheap, getting the most for your money by using the crowd has worked for hotels, holidays, restaurants, market places, etc, why not for entertainment purposes?

Why is Be Seated needed?
Be Seated is new and there are no serious competitors with the same premise we offer. The idea is simple and useful for those intending to attend events and the idea is that Be Seated can become the #1 platform for events and maybe even ticket sales in the distant future. Currently there is no clear social network that has dominated this market (on Facebook you can set up groups or event listings but it is not dedicated to this service and not an ideal solution).

Why does it differ from other Apps?
TripAdvisor and Seatguru are excellent examples. By using the crowd we can provide a service that utilises social networks and creates a service that will be in high demand while not challenging any other existing big services. We can stand on the shoulder of giants of other crowd-based services, learning from their mistakes and produce a service not dissimilar but not like any other competitors. It will be tailored for entertainment purposes and we will try to integrate our service into as many existing social network services as possible.

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