Monthly Archive: April 2015

Apr 25

Power and Be Seated

What types of power do Be Seated users use? Experts have discussed different types of power. Such as: Reward: The ability to give rewards. Coercive: ability to use punishment as a way to enforce what you want. Legitimate: having a position or role of authority. Referent: perceived as caring. Expert: having superior knowledge. But do …

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Apr 25

Crowds and Be Seated: When to use Crowds

“The potential of using crowds continues to expand as the talent pool broadens and platforms evolve. However this doesn’t mean that tapping global providers is always the best approach. Organizations need to consider when they should use crowds, and how best to go about finding the right kinds of providers for the tasks required.” The …

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Apr 25

Future Design: Semantic Web & Be Seated

While this isn’t necessarily a feature within our current design, our service could build its own ontology to be able to weave into the rest of the semantic web movement, using a program such as Protégé. For example, the ontology could utilise syntax’s such as FOAF to describe our users and if there is not …

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Apr 25

The Tipping Point : Ways to Popularise Be Seated

A classic book that tries to identify what makes certain trends more popular than others, especially pertinent in an age where something can be launched from obscurity into being viral and universally known. While the Be Seated service is happy to have modest growth rather than just be a viral flash in the pan, it …

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Apr 25

Crowds and Be Seated: A crowded market?

Be Seated is not trying to compete with mega-sites/hubs in the social networking/crowd-sourcing landscape. It is happy to be a niche but useful service that doesn’t step on others toes. It is a service that is not readily available elsewhere and can offer something that more established players on the scene have yet to offer …

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Apr 25

Crowds and Be Seated: Crowd Business Models

Where does Be Seated fit in the crowd? As a predominately crowd-based service it is important to do some research into what other services, akin to Be Seated, use as their business models. As a site that relies on knowledge sharing and content from its users it must be located in the top left category …

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Apr 24

Be Seated Contents Page

This blog documents the evolution of our project. You can navigate the blog using the contents provided below, the headers at the top of this page or simply as a standard blog. We have more detailed categories on the right of the page and have used tags so you can view specific posts about particular …

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Apr 24

Oral History Part 2: Sketching out the Idea and Team Organisation

Part 2 of the evolution of Be Seated features Rafael talking about how we organised the team and the meetings to fully sketch out the features of the service.

Apr 24

News: Age affects choice of Social Network

A recent news article shows that younger people are more likely to use social networks than older members of society. Which choice of service they use is also different between young and old people . “Snapchat is the biggest hit with younger people, the figures say, with 71 percent of its users in the U.S. …

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Apr 24

News: The Design Trends in 2015

The news has highlighted the design trends in 2015. These eight elements need to be considered when developing a new SNS platform.   The Big Social Media Design Trends In 2015 Unbundling Or Single-Use Platforms Intuitive Design Is Expected Ecommerce And Social Selling Value Privacy Highly Embrace Crowdsourcing Emphasize One-On-One Communication Over Direct Advertising Responsive …

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