Monthly Archive: April 2015

Apr 28

API Integration

API stands for Application programming interface which is a set of programming instructions and standards accessing a Web-based software application. API’s are used by developers to access services and resources by other pieces of software that is published through a company’s API. Using the API software of other companies allows access to the functionality of the …

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Apr 28

Architecture Design

Three Tier Architecture   The system is based on a three tier architecture which has been introduced by Sullivan (2003, Pg. 16) [2]. A three-tier architecture is a client-server architecture in which each layer is developed and maintained independently on a separate platform. Hence, replacement of a layer does not interfere with the functionalities of …

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Apr 28

Requirements – Non-Functional

Non-Functional Requirements The non-Functional Requirements of a system specify the criteria according to which the software could be evaluated.   Req. Description NFRQ1 The language used for this web application will be English. NFRQ2 A web-based user interface will allow interaction with the system. NFRQ3 Modified data in the database should be updated for all users …

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Apr 27

The Long right or wrong tail?

Based on Chris Anderson book “The Long Tail (Anderson, 2006)” we can assume that BeSeated, as a new product, can be competing for chasing the tail among less selling products, because the niche market is unknown, so within a business model we can assume it is small, but possible to conquer, making our product viable. To …

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Apr 26

Privacy in Be Seated

The handling of personal information is a sensitive issue and should be treated with the utmost confidentiality. ‘Be Seated’ is liable to treating peoples private data securely and with compassion. The personal information supplied by the user for the service that Be Seated offers, could be stored in encrypted forms on a server, which means …

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Apr 26

Ontology Design – Be Seated

Purely as an example we have drafted a very rough version of what an ontology would look like for Be Seated. A finalised ontology would require more research and would be vastly more complicated however we understand the benefits of our service being able to be optimised for the Semantic Web.

Apr 26

Sitemaps – Administrator


Apr 26

Sitemaps – Users

Apr 25

Administrator Pages – Storyboards: Edit Event Page

Storyboards 11 – Edit Event Page   The “Edit Event Page” has the same design as the ‘Create New Event Page’ with the only difference being that the fields are completed with the submitted information of the event and can be modified. As soon as the administrator selects ‘Save Event’ the details are updated and the …

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Apr 25

Administrator Pages – Storyboards: Create New Event Page

Storyboards 10 – Create New Event Page   The administrator in the “Create New Event Page” can create a new event by completing all the fields displayed in this page form. Data such as event’s name, date, link venue, category and city are required for completing the event. The link is for redirecting the events …

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