

Apr 21

Requirements- Functional

Functional Requirements


The following list of functional requirements describes all theĀ feasibleĀ functionalitiesĀ of our system.Ā 


Req. Description
FRQ1 The system allows access to registered users or non users.
FRQ2 The system allows users to register by filling in the form provided.
FRQ3 The system allows usersĀ to register using their Facebook account details.
FRQ4 The system allows users to search for venues.
FRQ5 The system provides options for all the criteria, from which the users must select one. The criteria are the city, category and name of the venue.
FRQ6 Search is processed only if all three criteria are selected.
FRQ7 A sidebar is displayed in each page of the system, except from the homepage, which includes the searching criteria.
FRQ8 The system displays a description and a map with the exact location of each venue.
FRQ9 The system provides a calendar of events for every venue.
FRQ10 When the user selects a date from the venueā€™s calendar, the system shows a list of all the events around the selected date.
FRQ11 System redirects users to an events page when the user clicks on the event title.
FRQ12 Registered users can select to attend events from the venueā€™s list.
FRQ13 The system automatically adds the event to the users personal list of upcoming events, as soon as a registered users selects attend for the event.
FRQ14 The system allows registered users to view their personal list of events which includes upcoming and past events.
FRQ15 Registered users can modify their list of upcoming events by selecting the option delete provided by the system for every event in the list.
FRQ16 The system changes the status of an event from upcoming to past, when the event has already taken place according to the date.
FRQ17 When an event is displayed in the ā€˜Past Eventsā€™ section, system provides the ā€˜Reviewā€™ option to the user.
FRQ18 The system provides a form for the user to fill in when selecting to review a seat from a venue of an event he or she has attended. The form includes adding comments and photos. A review can be submitted when all required fields are completed.
FRQ19 When the user selects a seat from a venueā€™s seating plan, the system shows a list of all the reviews made for that specific seat.
FRQ20 The system colours the seats of the seating plan according to their total rate which is calculated from the seat rating of each comment. Green is for ratings between 3.5 to 5, yellow is for 2 to 3.5 and red for 1 to 2. White seats are not reviewed yet.
FRQ21 The venueā€™s rating is shown and calculated by the system according to the general rating of the whole seating plan.
FRQ22 The system allows registered users, to report a comment if its content is considered inappropriate.
FRQ23 The reported messages are only shown to the administrator of the system.
FRQ24 The system allows the administrator to take action on each reported comment
FRQ25 The administrator can either ignore and delete a request of reported content. When the administrator takes action, the comment is no longer included in the list of reported messages.
FRQ26 The system automatically removes a comment from the seat list that it’s included in, as soon as the administrator selects delete.
FRQ27 The events list displayed in the website, which defines the different upcoming events, can only be managed by the system administrator.
FRQ28 The system allows the administrator to modify or delete events from the list of events.
FRQ29 When the administrator adds a new event, the system provides options for selecting the category, venue and city of the event.
FRQ30 The system shows a list to the administrator of all the upcoming and past events that are already in the events list.

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