Login / Register
Users can register by filling in a form with their personal details, such as their Email and Password. Registration can also be achieved by using Facebook, since the website includes API Integration. Unless the user selects to sign up using Facebook then the account details are required. Some sections of the website are only available to authenticated users. As soon as the user logs into the system, ‘MyEvents’ page is available for viewing. It shows the upcoming and past events they have attended. Reviews for a venue can be created from the past event list. The option of reporting a comment of another user is also available, in case the content is considered inappropriate.
Search for a Venue Seat Plan
Searching for a venue can be easily achieved, not only via the homepage but in all of the pages. This is because the searching criteria is displayed in the sidebar which is always accessible from any page. The user, whether registered or not, can search for a venue by selecting the city and the category of the venue. By selecting a city, the list of categories are updated according to the city selection. When a category is selected, the list of venues is updated with the appropriate venues according to that city and with the category information. The search is completed when all three criteria are selected.
Manage Events
Registered users can manage their events through ‘My Events’ tab on the basic navigation bar. Users who show an interest in the seating plan of a specific venue, can also see the hosted upcoming events for each date from a calendar and select ‘Attending’ if they are planning to book that seat. In that case, the event is automatically added to the upcoming events list of the user which includes all the future events that the user has defined as attending. Users have the ability to remove any event from this list. According to the date, if the event’s date has passed then the event is automatically shifted to the past events list, where all the attended events are. From the past events list, the user can submit a review for the seat of the venue that they sat in.
Review of a Seat
Registered users can review a seat of a venue based on their list of past events. When users select to review a venue, they are redirected to the venue’s page where a form for creating a review is displayed under the seating plan. The form includes the seat number, rating, title, comment and there is an option to upload a photo. The seat number can be automatically filled in by selecting a seat. After the completion of the form the review is submitted and automatically added to the list of reviews for that selected seat.
Venue Location
Users can locate a venue through the venue’s page where a map is displayed. The application is integrated with Google maps which gives users the opportunity to get accurate information about the venue’s location and even driving instructions.
View quality of seats
A seat plan is available for every venue and shows the best seats according to the user rating. The seat plan follows a colour scale with seats coloured green, yellow and red representing the best seats of the venue, the acceptable and the not recommended seats. Non-coloured seats have not been reviewed yet. Visualisation of the seat rating helps the users to instantly spot the good and bad seats within a venue and makes it easier to decide whether they feel the need to read extra comments or further information about the seat.
Calendar is displayed on the left side of a venue’s page, which is followed with links of the most popular events of the venue. In case the user selects a date on the calendar, the events which take place on that selected day are displayed below the calendar. Registered users have the option to select ‘Attend’ for an event. All the events are website links which redirect users to the event’s main webpage, where they can book their tickets.
Reported Messages
The administrator of the web application has the control over reported user comments. Reported messages are displayed and sorted according to their date. The content of each comment is shown and the admin has to select ‘Delete’ to remove the comment from the site or ‘Ignore’ which means that the content is not considered inappropriate. As soon as the admin takes action on a comment, then the report is no longer displayed on the page. Any SNS must be wary of online abuse and this method should protect users from unnecessary harmful comments.
Add Events
The event list provided for each venue can be modified only by the administrator, who can edit, add or delete an event. The administrator can view the ‘List Of Events’ from the basic menu. All the events are displayed on the page can be edited in the case that any information needs to be changed. The delete option is also available for removing events from the list. The administrator can add a new event in the list by filling in a form with all the necessary information such as Title, Link, Date, Venue, City and Category.
In summary: