

Apr 20

News: Changes to Google Search – ‘mobilegeddon’

mobile friendlyBig news has recently came from Google about changes to its search algorithm that will begin to favour mobile-friendly sites for mobile users. This has profound ramifications for any web-based services that wants to remain visible, available to users and competitive in the future.

“Biggest change in two years could see turmoil in search rankings as mobile-friendly sites take prime spots due to algorithm change.” – The Guardian

A representative of Google declared; “As people increasingly search on their mobile devices, we want to make sure they can find content that’s not only relevant and timely, but also easy to read and interact with on smaller mobile screens.” As BBC tested, many large sites – including its own, did not pass the configuration test to meet Google’s standards of ‘Mobile-Friendly’.

Be Seated, to remain competitive and to not be excluded from the worlds biggest search engine, must do its upmost to meet these standards. If it fails then there could be untold numbers of users who skip our site because they didn’t locate it when Googling.

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