Health Sciences Athena Swan

Snoezelen Room

Snoezelan room

The Snoezelen room located in building 45, Highfield Campus is a specially designed multisensory environment that uses lighting effects, sound and vibration, olfactory and tactile stimulation. It is used as a therapy to enhance sensory processing, reduce anxiety and to improve engagement in everyday activities for people with learning disabilities, dementia, mental health problems and those in pain. The level of sensory stimulation is adjusted in the room to enhance the individual’s sensory processing ability. Strategies that are found to be successful in the environment are than utilised in the everyday environment.

Snoezelen multisensory environments are used by different healthcare professionals and have an expanded research base. The Snoezelen room within the Faculty of Health Sciences is primarily used by the Occupational Therapy Team within our BSc, MSc and PhD programmes.

If you would like further information on the Snoezelen room, please contact Dr Lesley Collier on email: