Posts Tagged proposed system
MovieIt Usability Evaluation
Last advances in mobile technologies and rapid spread of 3G networks engaged handsets with the Web bringing an instance access to online resources from any place and at any time. However, facilities of mobile devices are not equal to PC (lower screen resolution, performance issues, diversity in geometry of the display and buttons arrangement, etc.) what significantly spoils the user experience. Thus, building a web-based app we need to keep in mind this specific and follow usability rules. In this post we will examine MovieIt in terms of its usability comparing core system characteristics with mobile usability check lists.
MovieIt and Legal Aspects
The Web 2.0 content can be categorized as a user generated content (UGC) where anyone can say anything about anything. This decentralization of information publishing boosted even more intensive spread of WWW and attracted huge amount of people that generate millions of pages, records, images, videos and other multimedia content every day. Along with obvious advantages (diverse and rich content, availability of discussion platforms, etc.) social Web exposed some serious legal issues related to copyright infringements or publishing of false and detractive information about facts, individuals or legal entities. However, it would not be true to say that legal issues in the Web appeared with the movement to UGC model. Plagiarism and libel existed long before WWW invention but due to the decentralized nature of the Web 2.0 and a huge amount of generated content they became less controllable and, thus, more common. Another issue with a social content is that the majority of users does not consider online publishing as something serious and feel less responsible for the exposed web content. For example, the survey held by YouGov in 2008 revealed that “three quarters of Internet users who comment online realize they could be breaking the libel law”.