

Apr 28

Requirements – Non-Functional

Non-Functional Requirements

The non-Functional Requirements of a system specify the criteria according to which the software could be evaluated.


Req. Description
NFRQ1 The language used for this web application will be English.
NFRQ2 A web-based user interface will allow interaction with the system.
NFRQ3 Modified data in the database should be updated for all users accessing it within 10 seconds.
NFRQ4 For access to the web application, users need connection to the internet.
NFRQ5 The web application can be accessed only by certain browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox).
NFRQ6 Database records cannot be accessed by a third-party.
NFRQ7 The application should be integrated with Facebook.
NFRQ8 The application should be effective
NFRQ9 The application should be efficient
NFRQ10 The application should be operable
NFRQ11 The application should be secure and safe
NFRQ12 The application should be easy to understand and used by all users

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