

Apr 25

User Pages – Storyboards: Venue Page

Storyboard 2 – Venue Page

The venue page is loaded after searching for a venue. On this page the seating structure of the venue is displayed followed by a description and a map of the venue. An average rating for the whole venue is shown on the top next to the name of the venue. On the left of the page a calendar and popular events list are displayed. By selecting a date on the calendar, the popular events change to the events on the day selected. A user can add any of the events on their list of upcoming events by clicking on the attend button next to each event. On the top, the tab bar is located for shifting to the other main pages.


On the main section where the seating plan is, the seats differ in colour based on their rating. Seats, if reviewed, are green, yellow or red depending if their rating of excellent, acceptable or not recommended. If seats have yet to be reviewed they are displayed in a light grey colour. Seats that are grey have not been reviewed yet and cannot be selected to find further information on their conditions and quality.


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