

Apr 25

Crowds and Be Seated: A crowded market?

Be Seated is not trying to compete with mega-sites/hubs in the social networking/crowd-sourcing landscape. It is happy to be a niche but useful service that doesn’t step on others toes. It is a service that is not readily available elsewhere and can offer something that more established players on the scene have yet to offer (Google Reviews, TripAdvisor are all inadequate at reviewing entertainment venues and the quality of their seats).

Be Seated is planned to collaborate across platforms and thus by doing so it should find a strong user base fairly immediately. It categorically is not competing with others on the market and is Be Seated as a services understands that the opportunity within the market lies within the long tail as discussed in The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More and Be Seated fully embraces this.

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