

Apr 23

Survey Results


Survey Result

We have interview 34 people about our project, and their age groups are divided into 4 shown as Fig.1. And we mainly focus on people whose age is between 18 and 45.


Fig.1 The ages of interviewees


Fig.2 displays the answer of each question. Most interviewees have used a crowd-reviewing site. However, more than half of them think it isn’t helpful. Most interviewees trust the reviews so that about 88% of them are influenced by reviews, as many as who influenced by photos taken by other users. In addition, compared with slightly cheaper item, 76% of them are willing to buy the little expensive one which is highly recommended by other users.

79% of interviewees are desired to check the seats after buying the tickets. However, less than half of them think this kind information is easy to retrieve. That results in the disappointment about the seat. Besides, if there is a picture of the view from the seat or any other information, most interviewees may feel better and are attracted to buy a seat. Moreover, 88% of them will try to use the service that help them find a best seat.


Fig.2 The percentage of Yes in all age groups


The answers about the questions in different age group are different. Fig.3 states the differences. Nevertheless, to some extent, the answers are consistent. Because more Interviewees trust the reviews and consider reviews when buying in all age groups. Additionally, they are unsatisfied with the seats and willing to use the application which help them find a better seat.


Fig.3 The percentage of Yes in different age groups


Above all, among the age between 18 and 45 we mainly focus on, it is obvious that the market value is strong and there is a demand making a service help users to find a seat and the service will influence users’ choices.



Q1: Have you ever used a crowd-reviewing site such as Trip advisor?

Q2: Would you find it helpful?

Q3: Would the reviews influence your choice?

Q4: Would the pictures taken by other users influence your choice?

Q5: Would you trust the reviews from the crowd?

Q6: If something is highly rated by other users are you more likely to favour that item than a similar priced item at a slightly cheaper cost?

Q7: Have you ever bought tickets for an event and then tried to check the seating location online?

Q8: Do you find this information easy to retrieve?

Q9: Would you have liked extra information, such as a picture of the view you can expect to see from that seat?

Q10: Have you ever been to a venue and feel disappointed by the seat (e.g. by the viewing angle or general comfort)?

Q11: Would having more information make you to buy another seat if available?

Q12: If a website was created that could show you crowd-based reviews of seats at multiple venues, with information such as viewing angles and comfort, would you use this service?

Q13: If this service existed, what extra features would you also love to see?


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