

Mar 23

Related Academic Work 3 – Reviews Impact

Don’t Discount the Impact of Online Reviews (Abigal Tracy)

A new study finds that the majority of small business owners aren’t paying as much attention to online reviews as they should.

According to a B2B research report: https://www.zendesk.com/resources/customer-service-and-lifetime-customer-value

90 percent of consumers say positive online reviews influence their purchasing decisions, in contrast 87 percent of small business owners do not ask customers to post reviews about their experiences online.

Two in three small business owners don’t spend any time monitoring their online reviews. Another 29 percent said that they only spend between one and five hours a month doing so.

Customers read and care about online reviews, new online services should focus on ways of illiciting reviews from their users as they seem a powerful and under utilised tool.


FACT for BeSeated

Iit would be useful to enable comments, reviews or observations in Be Seated.



Abigail Tracy, Inc.com, (2015). Don’t Discount the Impact of Online Reviews. [online] Available at: http://www.inc.com/abigail-tracy/small-business-owners-online-reviews.html [Accessed 1 May 2015].


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