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WSI, Page 47

18th century letters from Jamaica posted online give new insights into slavery

Historian and Senior Lecturer Dr Christer Petley has used digital technology to create an online teaching and research resource about slavery in the British Caribbean in the 18th century. Slavery and Revolution showcases the letters of a wealthy and powerful landowner in Jamaica. The website uses a blogging format to explore the world of Simon Taylor (1738-1813), a slaveholder and plantation owner who lived on the island during a period characterised by revolution, war, and imperial reform. Continue reading →

Half a million website visits!

At 1.30pm on Tuesday July 3rd a website created by the eLanguages team in Modern Languages received its 500,000th visit. ‘Prepare for Success’ ( is a website of free interactive learning resources for international students planning to study at any UK university or college. It is also being used extensively by receiving institutions in the UK, as well as by institutions overseas. Continue reading →