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#WebSci20 – Spotlight Panel 2 by Nina Schuller

Posted on Behalf of Nina Schuller Spotlight Panel 2 on Policies and Practices:  Covid 19, digital Inclusion and the issues of identity and trust   Anni Rowland-Campbell began the session by asking the Panel how they felt the Web should change, and why it should change. Each of the panellists, including Adrian Lovett, David Birch, Harriet Rees, Jie Tang, responded with presentations looking at specific policy and practice issues.  Common ground was quickly established. Continue reading →

#WebSci20 Paper Session 3 – Networks by Juljan Krause

Posted on behalf of Juljan Krause Paper Session 3: Networks Session Chair: Stuart Middleton It was all nodes, edges, webs and cores in today’s packed paper sessions on networks. The six presenters were asked to give an overview of 5min each (the full 20-min papers are available on the conference website). Kai from Arizona State University introduced his team’s work on ‘Joint Local and Global Sequence Modeling in Temporal Correlation Networks for Trending Topic Detection’. Continue reading →

#WebSci20 – Web Science now more than ever by Sofia Kitromili

Posted on behalf of Sofia Kitromili Web Science now more than ever The first spotlight panel of the Web Science conference 2020 saw the chair Rennie Fritchie welcoming attendees and introducing an elite of panellists (Wendy Hall, James Hendler, Nigel Shadbolt, Daniel Weitzner, Noshir Contractor, Tim Berners-Lee) who were involved in the web science initiative that led to the web science that we know today. Continue reading →

#WebSci20 – Meet the Author by Ian Brown

Posted on behalf of Ian Brown Meet the Author: In Wednesday’s "Meet the Author" session Sasha Costanza-Chock, author of “Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need” spoke with Bindi Shah researcher at University of Southampton about Sasha’s work on Social Justice both as a methodology based on key design principles and also as a community of practice who are actively engaging in community-led design. Continue reading →

Immortal data: How can we change the discussion around data ethics by Anna Kent-Muller

Artist: Rowan Watts from More Than Minutes Posted on behalf of Anna Kent-Muller As data exists, with a life often beyond the individual and the present time, we are coming upon new challenges. The ethical and societal issues surrounding data ethics, and the collection of data with uses passed a single hypothesis have not yet been consequented and fully realised yet. Continue reading →

WebSci20: Personalisation and Community 2020 workshop by Clare Hooper

posted on behalf of Clare Hooper Jul 7, 2020 When I proposed a workshop for this year’s ACM Web Science conference, I believed I’d deliver it in Southampton, UK. COVID-19, of course, meant things ran rather differently, and I was up rather early today (on the west coast) to kick off this 2pm (UK time) workshop online. We had a lively discussion, examining the huge topics of personalisation / adaption of technology for individuals, and fostering community online. Continue reading →