The iSurvey was discussed and developed during the group meeting. A more extensive and complete Participation Information section was added to the survey. A number of questions were amended, deleted or added in line with group discussions. Parallels with existing social surveys were considered as a way to model questions and compare results with a wider sample size – the British Social Attitudes Survey was particularly considered, but was felt to be more focused on income, jobs and work-life balance than on social activities.
The link to the survey was emailed to all students and mentors on the module on the 26th March. As of the 4th April 14 completed surveys have been received. Early data analysis suggests an age range of 21-48 years old expressing a strong desire to find good new places to visit, a high level of trust in social media recommendations, low interest in winning points and comparing rankings, a high wish to receive real-world rewards, and an overall opinion that the SCENE app could be useful or interesting.
Results will continue to be monitored until closing date (21/4/2015).
Please comment with your real name using good manners.