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Category Archives: S&R News and Posts
A few weeks ago I met with Elaine Mitchener at the University of Southampton to workshop ideas for our Sweet Tooth collaboration. I was tired. We talked about our project – about how we are going to try to put together a piece of performance around the historical topic of Caribbean slavery and Britain’s historical involvement with it […]
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Sweet Tooth Tickets
Tickets are now available for Sweet Tooth at Turner Sims, Southampton, 7pm on 29 June 2016. This is our first showcasing of work in progress. Come and join us! How do we make sense of slavery? How can we represent its legacies? How do we breathe life into the human stories of enslavement, forced movement, […]
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Hamilton is ‘the musical of the Obama era’, according to Adam Gopnik in a recent article in The New Yorker. It is a story about one of America’s Founding Fathers, brought to the stage via the medium of hip-hop, along with many other modern musical styles—from R&B and soul through to boogie-woogie and Britpop. And it is […]
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Introducing Sweet Tooth
How do we make sense of slavery? How can we represent its legacies? Historians try to do those things through the acts of writing and speaking. But how could the work of bearing witness to the part-hidden histories of enslavement, forced movement, suffering and renewal be transformed by other modes of performance? Mixing the words […]
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Magna Carta to Morant Bay
This seems to be a year of multiple anniversaries in British history. If last year was all about the First World War, this year sees the centennial commemorations of Agincourt, Waterloo and Magna Carta, and—of course—of the Morant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica. Sir Robert Worcester, chairman of the Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Committee has called […]
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