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ESRC funds ‘digital bubbles for autism’ seminar series

A team of researchers has received prestigious funding from the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) for a seminar series: ‘Innovative technologies for autism – critical reflections on digital bubbles’. Sarah Parsons is the Principal Investigator (University of Southampton); Nicola Yuill and Judith Good (University of Sussex), and Mark Brosnan (University of Bath) are Co-Investigators. The team will be organising seven seminars over the next two years, featuring national and international speakers from a range of disciplines. The series focuses on why and how technologies are being developed, applied and evaluated for people with autism, exploring different ‘bubbles’ that exist within the field; for example, methods, disciplines, stage of life, and the use of different technologies.

The first seminar will be held at the University of Southampton on Friday November 28th 2014 and will focus on the social aspects of applying technologies for autism; Professor Kevin Durkin from the University of Strathclyde will give the series’ inaugural keynote talk;  Sarah, Nicola, Judith and Mark will all be speaking too, and the day will be introduced by Andrew Monaghan, CEO from Autism Hampshire. More details will be available from the seminar series website very soon [] but in the meantime ‘Save the Date’ and please contact Sarah with any queries.

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