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Merci Arapi!

Sarah Parsons was recently invited to speak at the bi-annual Autumn University organised by the French autism organisation ‘Arapi’ (Association pour la recherche sur l’autisme et la prévention des inadaptations), in collaboration with the Universities of Tours and Toulouse. This was the 12th Autumn University, held in the very beautiful coastal town of Le Croisic, from 1st-5th October 2013. The event was extemely successful, being attended by around 400 delegates, many coming from France but also internationally, including Brazil, Switzerland, Cameroon, Belgium,  and Italy. The conference programme included sessions on Early Development and Intervention, Neuroscience and Genetics, and New Technologies for assessment and intervention. Sarah’s talk was in the new technologies for intervention session where she talked about her research on the application of virtual reality technologies for supporting learning and understanding of social skills and conventions for children on the autism spectrum. The friendliness and hospitality of this conference was a real highlight: many thanks to the arapi for the kind invitation to attend!

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