iSolutions uses ITIL processes as part of its Service Management. We organise our processes in a way informed by ITIL, and provide reports on how well we met our stated aims. The main way that our users interact with us is through the Incidents and Service Requests they raise via ServiceLine. We have targets to resolve 90% of Service Requests and Incidents within a set target time measured in elapsed minutes.
Blackboard Analytics β February 2015
Google Analytics and University of Southampton Blackboard service
Google Analytics (GA) is turned on within a number of MLE sites including Blackboard and Panopto. In the interest of openness we will share a number of pieces of analytical data with the community. Note that some data is from a smaller sample size and may not reflect 100% of users.
Matthew Deeprose β Analytics, Blackboard, Blackboard Analytics β No comments
Our streaming videos are moving to Panopto
On Wednesday March 11th (subject to change) we will be moving the first batch of around 1,200 videos from our Flash media streaming service to Panopto.
The change wonβt make a lot of difference to students, however the videos will look slightly different. This post will explain what those differences will be. More
Graham Robinson β Bob National, Panopto, Streaming, Video β No comments
(How Well) Are You Being Served? Teaching Support Ticket Resolutions Stats β January 2015
iSolutions uses ITIL processes as part of its Service Management. We organise our processes in a way informed by ITIL, and provide reports on how well we met our stated aims. The main way that our users interact with us is through the Incidents and Service Requests they raise via ServiceLine. We have targets to resolve 90% of Service Requests and Incidents with a set target time measured in elapsed minutes.
Matthew Deeprose β Customer Service, Incidents, ITIL, Service Level Targets, Service Requests β No comments
Embed a scrolling RSS widget into your Blackboard course
RSS feeds provide lists of news items that can be clicked through to access the originating content. Using a RSS widget embedded into a Blackboard course allows you to embed news items from other websites. There are many RSS widgets available that offer embed codes and we particular like Feedwind which is highly customisable and currently completely free to use. This RSS widget will scroll automatically through news articles at a rate of your choosing.
Blended Learning Features within the Blackboard VLE
We were asked recently to give a presentation to staff from Humanities outlining tools that may help the delivery of a new blended learning programme.
Blackboard Analytics β January 2015
Google Analytics and University of Southampton Blackboard service
Google Analytics (GA) is turned on within a number of MLE sites including Blackboard and Panopto. In the interest of openness we will share a number of pieces of analytical data with the community. Note that some data is from a smaller sample size and may not reflect 100% of users.
Matthew Deeprose β Analytics, Blackboard, Blackboard Analytics β No comments
(How Well) Are You Being Served? Teaching Support Ticket Resolutions Stats β December 2014
iSolutions uses ITIL processes as part of its Service Management. We organise our processes in a way informed by ITIL, and provide reports on how well we met our stated aims. The main way that our users interact with us is through the Incidents and Service Requests they raise via ServiceLine. We have targets to resolve 90% of Service Requests and Incidents with a set target time measured in elapsed minutes.
Matthew Deeprose β Customer Service, Incidents, ITIL, Service Level Targets, Service Requests β No comments
Panopto Analytics β Semester 1 2014/15
Google Analytics is turned on within a number of MLE sites including Blackboard and Panopto. In the interest of openness we will share a number of pieces of analytical data with the community.
The following statistics are for 25th September 2014 to 24th January 2015.
For Panopto these stats are:
- Visitors
- Unique Visitors
- Browser
- Language (of the operating system)
- Location
- Referrals
Click on more to read the rest of this post
Blackboard Analytics β December 2014
Google Analytics and University of Southampton Blackboard service
Google Analytics (GA) is turned on within a number of MLE sites including Blackboard and Panopto. In the interest of openness we will share a number of pieces of analytical data with the community. Note that some data is from a smaller sample size and may not reflect 100% of users.
Matthew Deeprose β Analytics, Blackboard, Blackboard Analytics β No comments