In this section you will find resources in Italian produced by students, but first… read our > Jesi Newletter 2014
Cassandra Fuente decided to report about her experience by writing a daily log and telling about funny things that happened during the trip as well as adding her reflections > Diario della gita
Lewis Blakey‘s interest and passion for food mixes with humour in this account > Ready, steady, cuoco!
Sophie Major decided to focus on details and texture to take us on a special itinerary through art, architecture and history, showing us Jesi with different eyes > Jesi through my eyes
Imogen Hambly was struck by Catholic presence in every day life > chiese e religione
Carla ringland Mendez was fascinated by Italian fashion > here is her account > La moda italiana
Maddie Mason is giving advice on food and drink and also tells us her experience with … HOT CHOCOLATE 🙂 > never ask for one in summer!! > Bevande e cibo: Maddie e la cioccolata
Imogen Bishop-White decided to research about the town we stayed in > Benvenuto a Jesi