weekly meeting 15.03.2010

Here are the outcome of the discussed topics from today’s meeting.


Project weekly meeting will be at 10am every Monday.Ā  This will involve Lisha, David, and Tao.

From April onward, the project monthly meeting will be at 9:30 am, on the last Monday of the month.Ā Ā Ā  (But the one comingĀ is on Wednesday, the 24th March.)Ā  This will involve Gary, Lester, and Andy as well.

We will need to discuss workshop plan, project documents, and financy in our next monthly meeting.


Make project documents (workpackage 1) avalible on the project website.Ā  — Lisha

MakeĀ notes of project meetingsĀ avalible on the project blog.Ā  — Lisha

Review project prograss, send it with the linksĀ of the documents to all group members.Ā  — Lisha

Send monthly meeting reminder email to theĀ group members, and inform them about Tao’s holiday time.Ā  — Tao

SendĀ workshop reminder email by the end of the week, phone anyone who hasn’t responded yet on next Monday.Ā  — Lisha

RequireĀ Ā attendees to book tickets and send us the expenses in advance asap.Ā  — Lisha

Check project finance.Ā  — David

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