Developing our deliverables

We have formed a working group with the specific aim of developing the structural framework that will not only be a key Phase 2 deliverable but also form the outline for the active use of metadata guidance that is our long-term goal. This working group met at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London on Thursday 22nd October to discuss and agree our actions up to the end of Phase 2 and – hopefully – beyond. A fuller description of this meeting can be found in the page:

Since our team meeting on 21st September, we have been using an Action List to keep track of our ongoing activities. Currently, with one minor exception, every item has either been completed or is a work in progress. We are also endeavouring to keep our Project Plan up to date. We have our second milestone at the end of this month, for which we intend to post the current status of our work towards all of our Phase 2 deliverables.

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