Health Sciences Athena Swan

Fixed Term Faculty Forum

Dr Cheryl Metcalf

Dr Cheryl Metcalf


Mrs Jessica Comper

Mrs Jessica Comper

Fixed Term Faculty Forum

Cheryl Metcalf and Jessica Comper have started a Fixed Term Faculty Forum for all faculty staff from who are on a fixed term contract. 

The forums are scheduled for 1 hour every 2 months and are designed to provide a regular meeting point for FTC staff and a ‘safe’ place for staff to discuss issues that they have encountered in the Faculty.

These sessions are intended to act as a point of contact for the fixed term community, a way of disseminating important information and a route to help raise awareness of work-based issues that affect fixed term staff.

If members of the forum, or their line manager would like any further information, they are to contact Cheryl Metcalf, who is concordat representative (deputising for Dan Bader, concordat champion).