Health Sciences Athena Swan


What is mentoring?

A protected relationship which supports learning and experimentation and helps individuals develop their potential.

A mentoring relationship is one where both mentor and mentee recognise the need for personal development. Successful mentoring is based upon trust and confidentiality.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is someone who has a genuine interest in overseeing and supporting the career and development of another person outside the normal supervision process.

What is the role of a mentor?

A mentoring relationship is one where both mentor and mentee recognise the need for personal development. The role of a mentor includes that of guide, support, critical friend, sounding board, devilā€™s advocate, confidante, information giver, role model.


University of Southampton MentoringĀ 

This service offers a unique career mentoring programme supported by the EPSRCĀ and developed through a collaboration between the Diversity Office and the Professional Development Unit at the University of Southampton. A pocketbook on mentoring can be accessed through the Management Pocketbook icon on the homepage of the Professional Development Unit.

Through Southampton Mentoring we aim to develop staff across the University by linking them to the support of more experienced colleagues.

Please visit the University of Southampton Mentoring website for further information.


Faculty of Health Sciences Mentoring

We are working towards creating a Faculty Mentoring programme, with the aim that allĀ staff will have accessĀ to a mentor, who will act as an independent source of career advice and support.

Further information on this new and exciting programme will be available in the very near future.