A career break is a period of time away from your existing employment after which you can return to work afterwards. It is not simply a period of unemployment.
You may wish to take time away from your role for a number of reasons, including personal and professional development, to travel, or to care for another. It can sometimes take the form of a sabbatical, which can be paid or unpaid.
Subject to certain conditions being satisfied, the University considers applications for career breaks from all eligible staff regardless of the number of hours you work. If you have worked for us for five years, you may be granted a career break of one to three years.
Before applying for a career break, it is recommended that you speak with your line manager first. Explain to your manager why you wish to take the break, the intended length and when you would like the break to start. Your manager and possibly Academic Unit/Service will then discuss the matter fully with you before deciding whether or not the career break can be granted.
Further guidance is found in our policy together with an application for leave, which can be found on the Human Resources website.