MovieIt and Economic Aspects

By increase in the amount of movies offered through the web, people require a mean to find and evaluate these many alternatives. Recommender systems are a solution to this problem. Actually, recommendation systems are emerging as an important business application with significant economic impact. Movie recommendation systems such as Netflix or our proposed system (MovieIt) recommend movies to users. In fact, recommender systems help consumers, to find out about new products, and this increases sales diversity. Providing these kinds of systems is an incentive for movie companies, because it can help them increase profits. Read the rest of this entry »

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MovieIt and Social Aspects

All the people rely on recommendations from other people. These recommendations can be either by reviews of movies and books that are printed in newspapers and magazines, recommendation letters, or general surveys. This is called a social process that can be assisted and augmented by recommender systems. Recommender systems that have become increasingly popular are a way for people to make their decisions. These decisions are based on other individuals’ recommendations and choices can be made without sufficient knowledge or experience of alternatives. Typically recommendations are considered as inputs of recommender systems. Read the rest of this entry »

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“MovieIT” demo scenarios

Demo start pageLast few months our team was working on demo version of proposed social network-based recommendation system. We decided to include in the minimal functionality set following features: movie and place check in, movies rating, suggestions to friends, “following” friends with similar tastes functionality and recommendation engine.  This post describes available use case scenarios and provides interface screen shots of our demo application.

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Roger’s adoption curve

Rogers adoption curve defines the criteria for accessing the adoptability of new products. In this post I’ve examined these criteria against features of MovieIt application.


MovieIt allows users to user their Social network accounts for using this application. Their friends on these networks will be automatically imported. This results in higher compatibility of the product with existing social networks.


MovieIt has been designed with mobile applications in mind. Therefore, the interface has been designed to be very simple and usable. This simplicity allos new users to instantly understand the interface.


Users can easily login and start using the applications within seconds. Furthermore, users can use the system without any further commitment, which results in higher trialability.


MovieIt uses social network notifications to increase its observability. When someone checkinin a movie, notifications of it will appear on his/her users newsfeeds. Furthermore, users can post information about their movies on their walls.

Relative advantage:

Advantages of MovieIt application against other existing products are discussed in details in this post.

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Technologies Used

Our implementation is separated in three main three tiers. For the Data tier we used the Mysql Database. Some of the information that is stored into the database is all the Social network (Facebook, Twitter) credentials (OAuth 2.0 access token, OAuth v1.oa oauth_consumer_secret and oauth_token_secret), Movies watched, Moves recommended to friends and place where the movie watched. This information can be exploited in order to provide advanced recommendations. Read the rest of this entry »

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The next generation of social networks

Interest graph

Interest Graph( From Interest Graph( Picture by

Om Malik (senior writer for, Red Herring and Business 2.0), in his recent blog post, explains his views on the next generation of social networks.
He predicts that, in the future,  there will be lots of specific social graphs, instead of one big social graph.  He explains that  our friends are not necessarily the best source of recommendations in all aspects. We might have a friend that we really like his/her taste in music, but we don’t like his/her sense in movies.

Therefore he suggests that the next generation of social applications are those that build their interest-oriented networks on top of large social networks. Furthermore, he thinks that these kind of networks have more potential for making purchases happen (something which social networks advertising is not currently very good at, in compare with other online industries such as search engine advertising).

For entrepreneurs, I believe there are opportunities to create unique experiences around the concept of “interest graphs” that can be built off the backs of uber-networks such as Facebook and Twitter. These networks can help find the right kind of audience to build a viable channel for new commerce experience. (Om Malik)

Our movie application (MovieIt) has been built on the very same idea. Users in our application have the opportunity to choose the people they want to follow, and connect with the ones they trust, instead of following all their friends.  Furthermore,our application has a large potential for making purchases happen ( which in our application is buying cinema tickets).

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Updated Usecase

In the past couple of months, we have discussed the application and its features in depth during our group meetings. These discussions have lead to some changes in our application. The following diagram is the updated version of our use case diagram.

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Towards linked data

Most Social networks at the moment provide information through APIs using json, jsonp or XML serialization. This reaches the third out of five stars on the linked data star rating system [1]. In our architecture we wanted to provide four and five star on linked data rating system by publishing the users’ data in RDF format. In this way people who give permission to do so they are able to point to movies they watched, liked or commented. In that way software agents can take advantage of this information and make suggestions like, movies that me and my friend does not have seen and combined with our agenda information the agent is able to suggest cinemas and hours and movies that we might like.

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MovieIt interaction sequence

This posts is going to answer the question of “How does it all work?”

We have visualised the sequence of interactions between the clients, server, database and facebook using UML sequence diagram. The following screenshot shows the interactions whithin MovieIt application.

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Project open discussion

Project discussionLast week we ran an open discussion of our project. The focus group of four people critically evaluated our idea and expressed their opinions how to extend and improve proposed system. Invited reviewers considered presented suggestion tool from different points of view: starting from required functionality and technical details and ending with social, legal and economic aspects. Below is a short description of the most interesting ideas and critics expressed during the meeting.

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