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Polished Axe

Human hands have made and used ground stone axes and adzes in all parts of globe, beginning around 30,000 years ago. Whereas the chipped stone axe of the Palaeolithic is the quintessential tool of the hunter and meat eater, the ground stone axe or adze is the Swiss army knife of early cultivators. It can be employed to facilitate almost any task in the management, collection, cultivation and processing of plants – whether cereals, roots, shoots, nuts or fruits. Continue reading →

Introduction to module

Human history needs to be told through things. Texts help but they only reach back into the shallows of our past. In this module we go further to investigate deep human history through the wonderful things left behind. Our aim is to unite the entire span of our evolutionary history by investigating forty wonderful things described for you by experts. The story starts two and a half million years ago with the first stone tools. Continue reading →