Further Reading


  • http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/amphora_ahrb_2005/   Roman Amphorae: a Digital Resource.
  • Rogers, Archaeologist’s Manual for conservation &/or Cronyn, The Elements of archaeological conservation
  • Green, Roman Pottery, Peacock, Pottery in the Roman World, Johns, Arretine and Samian pottery
  • Peacock & Williams, Amphorae and the Roman Economy
  • Rice, Pottery analysis, a sourcebook; Sinopoli, Approaches to Archaeological ceramics

Core Survey Reading

  • Bannister, A., Raymond, S. and Baker, R. (1998) Surveying. Seventh Edition, Pearson, UK.
  • Bettess, F. (1992) Surveying for Archaeologists. Durham, University of Durham, Department of Archaeology.
  • Bowden, M. (Ed.) 1999, Unravelling the Landscape. Stroud; Tempus.
  • Clark, A. J. (1986). Archaeological Geophysics in Britain. Geophysics 51(7): 1404-1413.
  • Clark, A. 1990, Seeing Beneath the Soil. London; Batsford – see also 2nd edition 1996, with supplementary chapter.
  • David, A 1995, Geophysical Survey in Archaeological Field Evaluation. English Heritage Research and Professional Services Guidelines 1.
  • Gaffney, C., Gater, J., Ovenden, S. 1991, The Use of Geophysical Survey Techniques in Archaeological Evaluations. Institute of Field Archaeologists.
  • Gaffney, C. and Gater, J. 1993, Development of Remote Sensing Part II: Practice and method in the application of geophysical techniques in archaeology. Hunter, J. and Ralston, I. (Eds), Archaeological Resource Management in the U.K. Stroud; Alan Sutton.
  • Gaffney, C. and Gater, J. 2003, Revealing the Buried Past: Geophysics for Archaeologists. Stroud; Tempus.
  • Howard, P. (2007) Archaeological Surveying and Mapping: Recording and Depicting the Landscape, Routledge.
  • Schurr, M. R. (1997). Using the Concept of the Learning Curve to Increase the Productivity of Geophysical Surveys. Archaeological Prospection 4, 69-83.
  • Spoerry, P. (1992). The Archaeologist and Geoprospection. Geoprospection in the Archaeological Landscape. P. Spoerry. Oxford, Oxbow. Monograph 18, 115-119.
  • Scollar, Tabbagh, Hesse, and Herzog 1990, Archaeological Prospecting and Remote Sensing. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
  • Telford, W. M. 1990, Applied Geophysics. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press.

Topographic Survey, RTI, Laser Scanning

  • Keay S., Earl G.P., Felici F. (2011) Excavation and survey at the Palazzo Imperiale 2007-9, in S. Keay and L. Paroli (eds), Portus and its hinterland, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18, 67-91.
  • Keay, S., Cascino, R., Kay, S. (2012) Integrated approaches to the archaeology of Portus, in H. Porfyriou and L.Genovese (eds), Water shapes. Strategie di valorizzazione del patrimonio cultural legato all’acqua, Palombi Editori, Roma.
  • Keay, S., Millett, M. and Strutt, K. (2005) Topographic Survey, in S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli, and K. Strutt (eds.) Portus. An archaeological survey of the port of Imperial Rome, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 15, London.
  • Lock, G. (2003) Using computers in archaeology. Towards virtual pasts, Routledge

Magnetic Survey

  • Alder, M. J. (1988). Locating Archaeological Features in Magnetic Data by Cross Correlation. Archaeometry 30(1), 145-154.
  • Challands, A. (1992). Field Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement for Prospection and Excavation. Speorry, P., Geoprospection in the Archaeological Landscape. Oxford, Oxbow. Monograph 18, 33-41.
  • Chavez, R. E., Hernandez, M.C., Herrera, J., Camara, M.E. (1995). “A Magnetic Survey over La Maja, An Archaeological Site in Northern Spain.” Archaeometry 37(1), 171-184.
  • Ciminale, M. a. R., E. (1999). “Non-destructive Exploration in the Archaeological Park of Metaponto (Southern Italy).” Archaeological Prospection 6, 75-84.
  • Keay, S., Millett, M. and Strutt, K 2004, Recent Archaeological Survey at Portus. In Gallina-Zevi, A. and Turchetti, R. (Eds), Le strutture dei porti e degli approdi antichi (II Seminario ANSER II). Soveria Mannelli; Rubbettino Editore, pp 221–232.
  • Mullins, C.E. 1977, Magnetic Susceptibility of Soils and its Significance in Soil Science – a review. Journal of Soil Science 28, 223-246.
  • Taylor, D.J.A., Robinson, J. and Biggins, J.A. 2000, A Report on a Geophysical Survey of the Roman Fort and Vicus at Halton Chesters. Archaeologia Aeliana 5th ser., 28, 37-46.
  • Tite, M.S. and Mullins, C.M. 1971, Enhancement of the Magnetic Susceptibility of Soils on Archaeological Sites. Archaeometry 13, 209-219.
  • Tite, M. S., Linington, R.E. (1975). Effect of climate on the magnetic susceptibility of soils. Nature 256(5518), 565-566.

Resistivity and Resistance Tomography

  • Aspinall, A. a. C., J.G. (1997). The Electrical Pseudo-section. Archaeological Prospection 4, 37-47.
  • Graham, A., Bunbury, J. and Strutt, K. 2009, Kom el-Farahy: a New Kingdom island in an evolving Edfu floodplain. In British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan.14, 1-23. (http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/online_journals/bmsaes/issue_14.aspx).
  • Panissod, C., Dabas, M., Hesse, A., Jolivet, A., Tabbagh, J. and Tabbagh, A. 1998, Recent developments in shallow-depth electrical and electrostatic prospecting using mobile arrays. Geophysics 63, 5, 1542-1550.
  • Walker, R. 2000, Multiplexed Resistivity Survey at the Roman Town of Wroxeter. Archaeological Prospection 7, 119-132.

Ground Penetrating Radar

  • Conyers, L. B., Goodman, D (1997). Ground-Penetrating Radar: An Introduction for Archaeologists. London, Altamira.
  • Conyers, L. B., Cameron, C.M. (1998). Ground-penetrating Radar Techniques and Three-dimensional Computer Mapping in the American Southwest. Journal of Field Archaeology 25(4), 417-430.
  • Hruska, J and Fuchs, G 2001, A Parish Church in Mureck (Styria): The Mapping of Older Building Phases by Ground Penetrating Radar. Malm, G (Ed), Archaeology and Buildings: Papers from a Session Held at the EAA 5th Annual Meeting in Bournemouth 1999. British Archaeological Reports (Int. ser.) 930, 33-47.
  • Imai, T., Sakayama, T., Kanemori, T. (187). Use of ground-probing radar and resistivity surveys for archaeological investigations. Geophysics 52, 137-150.
  • Kenyo, B. I. (1977). Ground-penetrating radar and its application to a historical archaeological site. Archaeology 11, 48-55.
  • Malagodi, S., Orlando, L., Piro, S, Rosso, F (1996). Location of archaeological structure using GPR method: three-dimensional data acquisition and radar signal processing. Archaeological Prospection 3, 13-23.
  • Manzanilla, L., Barba, L., Chavez R., Tejero, A., Cifuentes, G., Peralta, N. 1994, Caves and Geophysics: An Approximation to the underworld of Teotihuacan, Mexico. Archaeometry 36(1), 141-157.
  • Stove, G.C. and Addyman, P.V. 1989, Ground probing impulse radar: an experiment in archaeological remote sensing at York. Antiquity 63, 337-42.
  • Whiting, B. M., McFarland, D.P. and Hackenberger, S. 2001, Three-dimensional GPR study of a prehistoric site in Barbados, West Indies. Journal of Applied Geophysics 47, 217-226.

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