Welcome to the blog

Hi all,

welcome to the portus field school blog. I have placed a video about using this website online.

We encourage you to ask (and answer) any questions about the Portus Field School here. You can create your own threads on any aspect of the Field School.

In addition to questions we would also welcome more general thoughts on your time involved in the Portus Field School. Feel free to write posts here that are more like blog posts, perhaps describing your working, or perhaps a particular task or other aspect of your involvement.

To start a new thread choose + New – Post from the menu on the top. Add a title and then the text. You can also upload images and other files. You don;t need to choose a category for the post – it will put it automatically in the Discussion category. However, please do add tags on the right hand side e.g. accommodation, travel, excavation, finds recording etc. You can add as many as you like, separated by commas.

Best wishes,


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