
Southampton archaeology undergraduate and postgraduate students will not be formally assessed during the field school, but will be expected to maintain good work ethic and attitude. The project expect from all participants maturity and sound judgement in and out of the field. These essential characteristics include attitudes towards hard work, punctuality, co-operation and consideration for others. Based on supervisory reports and observations by team leaders these will influence the success of Curriculum Innovation Programme (CIP) students in the field school evaluation.

CIP students and Lifelong Learning (LL) participants will be asked to keep a reflective field journal during the field season. This journal will be supplied to you when you arrive at the site. In it you will record the work you are doing on daily basis as well as your observations about the progress of the trench that you have been assigned to. The journal will be read by the field school supervisor and discussed at weekly meetings. These meetings will be used to discuss your learning experience and progress in reference to a skills checklist, as well as to provide feedback on the journal entries. All participants are expected to submit their final report,  containing relevant illustrations and a concluding statement, for assessment by the deadline given below.

In addition to this, LL participants wishing to obtain credits will be required to submit a second piece of written work for formal assessment- a 3,000 word essay on a topic relating to an aspect of the site or field work, and agreed upon in consultation with the Field School Director.


Fieldwork journals and the final report will be assessed on the grounds of reflection, completeness, attention to detail and accuracy.

CIP Students

For the CIP students the journal and the final report will account for 90% of the total mark of the course. The remaining 10% will consists of the formal assessment of a student’s performance, given in a form of a report, written by the field school supervisor in consultation with other staff members who have supervised the student at the site. The report will be based on continuous assessment of student’s performance, including attendance at, and participation in all scheduled fieldwork, lectures and trips, willingness to work hard and in a timely fashion, teamwork, and contributions to the on-line forum before and after the fieldwork.

  • The final report is due in the first week of September- exact deadline will be posted here when confirmed by the University admin.

Lifelong Learning Students

For the LL participants wishing to attain credits the pre-set essay will account for 30% and the field journal for 70% of your total mark of the course.

  • The essay and the final report are due in the first week of September- exact deadline will be posted here when confirmed by the University admin.
  • The essay can be submitted earlier as well- please liaise with the Field School Director.

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