Dr Vasilis Apostolopoulos
Vasilis is the leader of the group and an associate professor, he joined the School of Physics and astronomy in 2008 as a lecturer from Cavendish laboratory. His core research interests are: THz spectroscopy, semiconductor lasers and quantum cascade lasers. He founded the THz research group at the University of Southampton. His CV can be found here.
Email: va2w07@soton.ac.uk
Jon Gorecki
Jon Gorecki is investigating novel methods for controlling electronic charge transport properties of two dimensional materials by virtue of photo-responsive susbstrates, with a view to fabricate adaptive electronic and plasmonic devices for optoelectronic applications.
Email: J.Gorecki@soton.ac.uk
Elena Perivolari
Elena is studying the photoinduced refractive index changes of azobenzene complex dyes in the visible and THz range. Optically controlled, rewritable modulators and phase shifters are developed, based on twisted nematic liquid crystal cells. The anisotropy of azobenzene layers in THz is also been investigated with indirect measurements by the shift of plasmonic resonance, for efficient active control of THz radiation.
Email: E.Perivolari@soton.ac.uk
Lewis Piper
Lewis is investigating the uses of split ring resonator meta materials for use as detectors in the THz regime.
Lewis is also sorry for the current photo of the balloon crown. he does not photograph well.
Nick Klokkou
Measurement of proteins in THz spectrum
Previous members of the group
Prof. Anne C. Tropper
Anne Tropper joined the University of Southampton in 1983 and was appointed to a Personal Chair in 2000. She was involved in the foundation of the Optoelectronics Research Centre in 1989, and served as the Head of the School of Physics and Astronomy from 2002 – 2005. Her research has included pioneering studies of rare earth doped silica and fluoride fibre lasers and amplifiers, upconversion lasers, crystal waveguide lasers, and most recently semiconductor VECSELs, particularly as ultrashort pulse sources. Anne founded and led the VECSEL group, after she left Vasilis joined the two groups into one group.
Email: act@soton.ac.uk
Robin Head
Robin joined the VECSEL group in the second year of his PhD. He is working on numerical modelling of semiconductor saturable absorbers and high power fibre amplification of VECSELs.
Email: robin.head@soton.ac.uk
Olly Morris
Olly joined the VECSEL group to undertake a PhD in October 2010. Intitally he has been working on designing and building modelocked VECSELs with customised stable mechanical bases to improve the flexibility and stability of modelocked VECSELs for use in end user applications.
Email: om306@soton.ac.uk
Andrew Turnbull
After finishing his undergraduate degree in 2011, Andrew has joined the VECSEL group to undertake a PhD.
Email: om306@soton.ac.uk
Duncan McBryde
Duncan joined the THz group in October 2011 to study for his PhD. He is currently working towards characterising novel emitters that employ the lateral photo-Dember effect.
Email: dm12v07@soton.ac.uk
Lewis Maple
Lewis joined the THz group in September 2012 to study for his PhD. He is currently working on integrated THz optics.
Email: lcm3g11@soton.ac.uk
Paul Gow
Paul joined the THz group in September 2012 to study for his PhD. He is currently investigating multiplex photo-Dember emitters using a double-metal geometry.
Email: p.gow@soton.ac.uk
Elena Mavrona
Elena joined the THz group in October 2012 as part of a collaboration with the liquid crystal group to study for her PhD. Elena is working with Prof. Malgosia Kaczmarek developing liquid crystal cells with enhanced interaction with THz frequency waves for controllable THz polarisation manipulation.
Email: em3e12@soton.ac.uk
Joanna Carthy
Jo joined the THz group in October 2012 as part of a collaboration with the hybrid opto-electronics group to study for her PhD. She now is working with Prof. Alexey Kavokin on the theoretical analysis and modelling of novel THz quantum well structures.
Email: joanna.carthy@soton.ac.uk
Dr Geoff Daniell
Geoff has been working with the THz group to construct numerical models of the converging beam THz-TDS apparatus as well as noise reduction and THz analysis in environments with water. Geoff is also a member of the VECSEL group where he is constructing a numerical model for the operation of VECSELs.
Email: gjd@soton.ac.uk
Dr Mark Barnes
Mark joined the THz group in 2010 and attained his PhD in 2013. He worked mainly on novel photo-Dember THz emitters for TDS setups. As a postdoc in the group he developed a parameter extraction algorithm as an internet-based analysis tool. Mark left the group in February 2015.
Email: mb4a10@soton.ac.uk
Dr Sam Berry
Sam attained his PhD at the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton and joined the THz research group in October 2012 to work on the Quantum Cascade Amplifier project funded by EPSRC. Sam now holds a postdoc position in the ORC at Southampton University.
Email: s.berry@soton.ac.uk
Dr Aaron Chung
Aaron joined the group in October 2008 and attained his PhD in 2013. He worked mainly on material parameter extraction from THz time domain spectroscopy. Aaron left the group in 2013.
Email: alc604@soton.ac.uk
Dr Keith Wilcox
Keith obtained his PhD in 2006 on ultrafast modelocked VECSELs in this research group and has since worked as a post doctoral researcher in this group and at the University of Dundee before rejoining the VECSEL group in October 2009. His main research interests are quantum dot and ultrashort pulse VECSELs as well as VECSEL MOPA systems and development of applications such as THz spectroscopy using VECSELs.
Email: k.g.wilcox@soton.ac.uk
Dr Hani Kbashi
Hani joined the VECSEL group as a visiting researcher from the University of Baghdad, Iraq.
Email: h.kbashi@soton.ac.uk
Dr Zakaria Mihoubi
Zakaria was awarded his PhD in 2009 on modelocked VECSELs. One of his main areas of research was using VECSELs to drive THz time domain spectrometers. He then worked as a post doctoral researcher in Dr Vasilis Apostolopolous’s group developing THz-TDS systems for spectroscopic investigations of various material systems.
Email: zm1@soton.ac.uk