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July 2014

At the 6th ESRC research methods festival (July 8-10 in Oxford), Melanie Nind will be convening a session Inclusive Research: Advances in Participatory Methods and Approaches and also acting as discussant for the session Democratisation of Research Methods. Both will be enabling participants to see how inclusion debates are interacting with methodological concerns.

June 2014

Progressing Race in Higher Education: inclusion, diversity and inequality.  A one-day seminar at our Wide Lane venue on Friday 6 June, sponsored by the Society for Educational Studies.  This free event includes keynote speakers Dr Kalwant Bhopal and Professor Andrew Pilkington.  Lunch and refreshments are included.  Full details available here:   

Book your place by emailing Hazel Brown at 

Professor Harry Daniels from the University of Oxford will be giving a research seminar for SJIE on Wednesday 4th June from 12:30-1:30 (bldg. 32 / room 2103). Harry’s talk is titled: A sociocultural imagination: studying the formative effects of ‘everydayness’. If you are not a member of the centre but would like more information about the seminar please contact Sarah Parsons:

 May 2014

Sarah Parsons will be giving a keynote talk and a workshop at the SEN conference at the International School in Geneva on 3rd May. Sarah’s talk will discuss the evidence base for educational technologies for autism, and the workshop will help delegates to think about how to embed research and technology in projects in schools.

Sarah is also giving an invited keynote on Virtual Reality for the education of children with autism at the 33rd Symposium of the Association for French language Scientific Psychology, Rouen 26-28 May 2014.

With Gina Sherwood, Sarah will be giving an invited talk at Canterbury Christ Church University on May 14th. This talk is titled: ‘Informed consent with children and young people in social research: visibility, vulnerability and innovation’ and draws on recent research findings from a collaborative project with Kings College London and the University of Oxford.


November 2013

Dr Liz Pellicano from the Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE), Institute of Education, University of London is giving a research seminar in the School on Monday 4th November 2013, from 12:15-13:15 in building 32, room 2097. Liz’s talk is titled: ‘A Future Made Together: New directions for autism research’ and focuses on her recent work exploring (1) whether the pattern of current UK autism research maps on to the priorities of the broader autism community and (2) the nature and degree of involvement of community members in the research process.

October 2013

Sarah Parsons is presenting at the Arapi Autumn University in Le Croisic, France on October 4th about her research on collaborative virtual environments for children with autism.

September 2013

Kiki Messiou, Kalwant Bhopal and Mel Nind are all presenting at the BERA conference at the University of Sussex, from 3-5th September.

August 2013

David Galbraith will be presenting at the EARLI conference in Munich on his research into writing processes,

July 2013

 Kiki Messiou is giving an invited keynote at the ‘Making education inclusive’ conference in South Africa, which is being held from 1st-6th July in Johannesburg.  

Sarah Parsons will be in London on July 4th for the MA Healthcare Autism Today conference, giving an invited presentation about ‘Assistive technologies: supporting social and communication skills’. Sarah will then be in Monaco on July 5th for an invited presentation to MONAA – an autism resesarch organisation, where she will attend the scientific committee meeting and talk about her work on virtual reality for supporting social communication.

June 2013

June 13th sees the first SJIE conference for the seconday PGCE students. Running from 09:30-13:30 the conference will feature talks by Sarah Parsons and Kiki Messiou, along with a short discussion by Mel Nind, and poster presentations from current SJIE doctoral students. Kalwant Bhopal will also be there to let students know about our doctoral programmes in Education.

Mel Nind will be at the WISERD conference on 25th  June at the University of South Wales, presenting a paper entitled ‘Is changing who leads research a methodological innovation?’. This is part of the NCRM-hosted Innovation in Research Methods strand.

May 22nd 2013

Dr Kalwant Bhopal and June Jackson will report on their research focusing on BME academics at a lunchtime research seminar in bldg 32, room 2097 on the Highfield campus. For more info about this work see the recent coverage in the THE.

April 15th 2013

Professor Alan Dyson from the University of Manchester is giving a research seminar on ‘Developing Children’s Zones for England’. This will take place on the Highfield campus in building 32, room 2097.


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