Inclusive research is about doing research with rather than on people who are calling for greater power and influence in research about them. Linked to participatory, emancipatory, and partnership research, inclusive research approaches have evolved in response to cultural and political shifts in the power relations surrounding research. In Melanie Nind’s new book ‘What is Inclusive Research?’ she engages readers in to questions of what constitutes active participation in research and whether inclusive research offers something distinctive or necessary as well as how they might begin doing research inclusively. The book address how to recognise inclusive research, understand it, do it, and know when it is done well. Melanie includes new research data gathered from her recent ESRC-funded research addressing quality in inclusive learning disability research, which informs the book’s content and argument, but the book extends to other domains (children’s research, mental health service-user research, LBGT communities etc) and crosses disciplines. You can look inside the book here. You can also download free the related publication: Practical considerations in doing research inclusively and doing it well: Lessons for inclusive researchers.