This Android application lets you create search queries for products on Craigslist and then it notifies you when they’re discovered. You can limit queries to a specific category and location or filter search results by titles, images, and a minimum/maximum price. Once you’re notified of a result, you can click on it to launch your browser and see the full listing at Craigslist. From there you can utilize the native functions from the Android browser to share the page with a friend.
Useful features for Shopster:
-Users can search for something and if it is not currently available, when it is available, the application will send a notification to them.
-This application uses map to show where to find a deal. So deals near a user can be presented using their location on the map.
-User interface is simple .
-It is easy to start using this application
-Deals can be found not only clothes, but for jobs, services etc.