There are some folks in iSolutions who spend most of their time using ServiceNow for processing incidents & requests, and it’s probably true to say that everyone gets tickets at least occasionally. However, understanding of how ServiceNow should be used varies greatly within iSolutions and for this reason, the prescribed way to use ServiceNow for incidents and requests has been written down in a best practice guide. The guide was recently updated and the latest version is located at UoS-iSolutions-IcM004-I Incident Management and Request Fulfilment Best Practice.

Aspects of best practice have been the subject of articles on this blog in the past and doubtless will be again. As a taster though, here are the general principles of ticket management as described in section 2.1 of the best practice guide:

  • To provide the user with a satisfactory resolution.
  • To maintain a sufficient level of contact ensuring that the user is fully aware of the status and progress of the ticket.
  • To record all relevant activity in the ticket.
  • To ensure the ticket’s state is accurate at all times.
  • To manage tickets in a suitable order, giving greater precedence to those with a higher priority.

Please contact me or anyone else in Service Management if you have any questions about the guide or how to use ServiceNow.