The default tab title has been changed to “UoS ServiceNow”. Additionally, when viewing an individual record (e.g. Incident, Change etc) it displays the record number and short description.  This helps differentiate between different windows for those who work with multiple tabs open.  The favicon has also been changed to the University standard.  To help differentiate between different instances, Dev and Pre-Prod have red and yellow icons.


Now that the first name field automatically sets to someone’s AKA when one is available, the AKA field has been removed from certain forms as it has become redundant. Additionally, this addresses an issue where logging a call occasionally overwrote someone’s AKA.

The drop-down information on most user-related fields has been changed to present more useful details to help distinguish between individuals (department, account type etc).  The information in the dropdown is also searchable.



A Junk Email button has been added to the call list to allow the Service Desk to quickly manage junk emails in bulk.


The Activity Log on tickets now also shows changes to Assignment Group (this includes on all historical tickets).

On very occasional circumstances, tickets were being created with duplicate numbers – this has now been addressed.

“Subscribe” has been changed to “Notification Preferences” to choose which emails a user wishes to receive or not.

The Closed date is now correctly showing as the date when the system closes the ticket (5 days after resolution) instead of the same time as Resolved.  This shows on tickets logged 06/05/15 onwards.

Cancelled Problems are now no longer set to Active.