Category Archives: The Tasks

Final Task – Reflective Statement

Please title your final entry just like this one so we can tell which one it is as follows : Final Task – Reflective Statement
  • Write a 500 word reflective statement on your progress during this module.
  • Focus your discussion on one or two specific lectures, tasks, or subjects that had an impact on your thinking/ practice.
  • Discuss what you have learnt and how it has/will influence your work on future.
  • Ensure you refer to at least one academic source to support the points you make.

Task 7 – Create your own blog*

Create your own blog*, post link on the RCS Blog / Visual Journal.

*could be Flickr, pintrest, twitter feed, instagram etc as long as its a public publication of your work, your online identity as a practicing Artist/Designer. Vimeo for example would suit video artists better, that a blog 9 time out of 10.


Task 5 – Appropriation

Find 3 potential connections of appropriation and discuss (max 500 words)

– building
– inspired
– remixing
– satire
– commentary

Appropriation is not Snow white book, Disney Snow white, Barbie Snow White.

Recall my example looking at the film Star Wars

Much has been written about the influence Akira Kurosawa had on American films (Ebert ,R. 2001) The Seven Samurai is generally acknowledged to be the first use of the “horizon shot” when the bandits come pouring over the hilltop into view. The images I found of the 1800’s fire fighting breathing apparatus is likely to have inspired the costume/ prop department on Star Wars as well. And so on…you should discuss the connections a little more than I have.

Steve Erenberg, (?), Unknown [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 01 November 12].



  • Ebert ,R. (2001). The Seven Samurai. Available: Last accessed 2012.
  • Nixon,R. (?). Pop Culture 101: THE SEVEN SAMURAI. Available:|0/Pop-Culture-101-Seven-Samurai.html. Last accessed 2012.



Task 4 Visual Analysis – FTD / FM

Choose one commercial image (advert, fashion photograph, album cover… not a work of art) and perform a visual analysis. Download from Blackboard

Think about what this image is portraying, what story it’s trying to tell, and how it does this

Focus on issues of size, colour, technique and most importantly content and composition to unravel the meaning of the image.

Write 500 words about your analysis and make sure that you structure your writing like a mini -essay (introduction,development, conclusion)

Task 4 Visual Analysis – Graphic Arts

Graphic Arts students should download the brief from Blackboard and a selection of adverts from Blackboard. You need to choose ONE and perform a 500 word visual analysis using the method outlined in the lecture. The lecture slides and further readings designed to help you complete the task can be found in the Week 5 folder on Blackboard.


Task 3 – Library Resources

Continuing on from the themes/ideas you have in relation to your previous tasks:

  • Use WebCat to find an image in a book or exhibition catalogue that relates to your theme
  • Use a database to find a journal, magazine or newspaper article that relates to your theme

On the blog scan these items in and describe the process that you went through to find these items and explain why you chose them. You can include additional relevant works about other artists and designers if you wish

Task 2 – Reflect on text

Choose the text from your Programme (on Blackboard) and write a 500 words (max) as a reflective response to the text

Read, reflect and think critically on text you select

  • Write a personal response that shows you have spent time reading and reflecting.
  • Summarise the main ideas in a single short paragraph.
  • Ask yourself ‘What is the meaning for me?’
  • Identify aspects you agree and disagree with. Explain why.
  • Find literature that critiques ideas in the text. Explain how.
  • Reflect on how others’ ideas helps clarify your thoughts

A Reflective Writing recipe;

Front cover from the Book a Geometry of Pasta


What happened? What am I responding to? Event, image, text object?


What do I think? What do I feel? Whats my initial response?


What have I learned form this? What does this mean for the future?

Reflective writing is both a record (description) and a review (analysis and evaluation) of your work

(Moon 2004)