Author Archives: MSHE

Professor Fan co-edited a research monograph on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources

Professor Lianghuo Fan, Director of Mathematics, Science and Health Education Research Centre, has recently published, as a co-editor, a research monograph entitled Research on Mathematics Textbooks and Teachers’ Resources: Advances and Issues, with Springer. The book is the result of an international collaboration based on the TSG38 of ICME-13, which was held in Hamburg, Germany in 2016. Besides Professor Fan, the other co-editors are […]

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MSHE members co-authored chapters feature in top downloaded book of 2017

The book Proceedings of ICME-13 was top of the English-language Springer book downloads for 2017. It was downloaded 290459 times during the year. Confirmation can be found here. The book features three chapters co-authored by members of MSHE. The three publications are Topic Study Group No. 38: Research on Resources (Textbooks, Learning Materials etc.), Geometry […]

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Dr. Bokhove at researchEd Amsterdam

Last weekend Dr. Christian Bokhove gave a Dutch and English version of his ‘This is the new myth’ talk. This talk did not came about in some vain attempt to take over the mythical status of some other excellent ‘mythbusters’, like Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul Kirschner and Casper Hulshof in their excellent book, but more […]

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Research podcast for TES

Dr. Christian Bokhove explains how teachers can be more effective consumers of education research and why some of our beliefs about the big theories of teaching can be over simplifications. Here is the podcast.

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Key ideas in teaching mathematics

MSHE member Keith Jones’ co-authored book featured as a book that is really helping mathematics teachers The book Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics, co-authored by MSHE member Keith Jones, featured in an online discussion on 9 January 2018 by mathematics teachers on “Books about teaching maths: which have really helped you and why?”. A summary […]

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Article dynamic social network analysis in print

A Happy New Year with Dr. Christian Bokhove’s article on dynamic social network analysis in print! ABSTRACT This article reports on an exploratory project in which technology and dynamic social network analysis (SNA) are used for modelling classroom interaction. SNA focuses on the links between social actors, draws on graphic imagery to reveal and display […]

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Lifelab news feed added

Good news! The Lifelab project has a new blog. LifeLab was first initiated in 2008 at the University of Southampton. It has continued to develop through the collaboration of researchers from the University’s Education School, Faculty of Medicine, and the Mathematics and Science Learning Centre. LifeLab draws on these researchers’ findings and combines them with research evidence from elsewhere to raise teenagers’ awareness and interest […]

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