Getting the most out of Feedback

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The GMOOF project forms part of the the EU-funded Sharing Practice in Enhancing and Assuring Project (SPEAQ).

The LanQua Quality Model


SPEAQ is a follow-on project from the EU-funded Language Network for Quality AssuranceĀ (LANQUA). The LANQUA project team developed the Quality Model. The Quality Model was developed to guide practice, and promote reflection on practice, in order to enhance the quality of the learning experience for those engaged in the learning and teaching of languages. It approaches quality from a teacher and learner perspective and supports a bottom-up view of quality assurance which is based in practice and which has a mainly enhancement function that can work alongside and complement other more formal internal and external quality assurance processes in higher education institutions.

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The Feedback Loop

The Quality Model has now been adapted to include a circle which incorporates a feedback loop into the boarder context in which the ‘reflective’ practitioner operates.

Feedback: a short academic literature review