Past cohort photographs

Do you have any past cohort photos that we could add to this page?
Please email

2019 – 2022 (Graduation: Summer 2023) more…

2019 – 2022 (Graduation: Summer 2023) more…

2018 – 2021 (Graduation: Summer 2022) more…

2017 – 2020 (Graduation: Summer 2022) more…

2016 – 2019 (Graduation: Summer 2022) more…

2015 – 2018 (Graduation: Summer 2019) more…

Course barbecue July 2018

2014 – 2017 (Graduation: Summer 2018) more…

2013 – 2016 (Graduation: Summer 2017)


2012 – 2015 (Graduation: Summer 2016)

Graduation 2016 -crop2

2014 Forty years course reunion event.
