The Pitch

After a whole load of hard work and preparation. Our project culminated in a 10 minute pitch + 10 minute Q&A session last week. You can see the results below (in two parts because of the 10 minutes limit on Youtube).

Obviously nerves played a part and we missed a few points which we wanted to get across, but I feel we gave a good representation of the group and the video in particular seemed to get a good reaction from the panel. You can see the final draft of the presentation below if you wish to see how closely we managed to follow the “script”

We used Prezi for the presentation to give it a little more visual flare than standard powerpoint or keynote presentations and I think it worked. You can view the presentation before incase for whatever reason you feel like delivering the pitch yourself :p

During the questions and answers I feel we handled the questions well except for one about the capital required to get such a project off the ground. It is clear we haven’t yet thought enough about the large costs involved in putting together the website and marketing to sell the idea to web masters or social networks. This is something we will need to improve on in future.

The feedback we got was that:

  • The video was an excellent idea and helped to explain the idea in a non-technical manner.
  • We need to think about copyright and privacy more, as unforeseen expenses due to a lawsuit can ruin a small company.
  • We need to clarify the revenue model. Our presentation didn’t make it clear where the money was coming from and who it was going to. Which websites the adverts would be on, taggr or etags? etc.
  • We need to explain realistically how we will reach users.

Although there is only a short time left before the end of the project we are trying as best we can to ensure that these are clarified well enough on the blog.

We did decide to dress up for the occasion and do it in proper Dragons’ Den style. You can see how stylish we were below:

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