Important Lessons Learned

As we reach the end of the project we have reflected on our experiences, especially the lessons we have learnt.

Our project had a good strategic underpinning in the project steering group: key staff in the Library, iSolutions (IT), Research and Innovation Services and EPrints Services (who provide the software for our repository). This enabled us to get the key approval within the university research committee and iSolutions (IT).

We have a good relationship with our Legal Services department and engaged with them early in the project. This gave us a strong steer towards an opt-in model, based on our contractual obligations. We followed up the initial discussion (focusing on principles and the ORCID membership contract), looking at likely screen text and FAQs. This avoided any legal delays to ‘going live’.

Engaging with researchers was aided by having an academic lead/PI, and through good academic contacts via library staff.

Learning from others was important and made preparing screen text and FAQs much easier. In particular we used information from Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Oxford. The latter was made possible through sharing of experiences at the Jisc-ARMA ORCID pilot progress workshop(s).

We had some difficulties with IT – the development took longer than expected, which is partly related to discussions around the procurement and implementation of our new CRIS. I.e. ensuring development would interface with both our ePrints repository and the new CRIS.

We have started our academic engagement and anticipate this will continue well after the end of the formal project.

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