Posts Tagged jQuery Mobile

Technologies Used

Our implementation is separated in three main three tiers. For the Data tier we used the Mysql Database. Some of the information that is stored into the database is all the Social network (Facebook, Twitter) credentials (OAuth 2.0 access token, OAuth v1.oa oauth_consumer_secret and oauth_token_secret), Movies watched, Moves recommended to friends and place where the movie watched. This information can be exploited in order to provide advanced recommendations. Read the rest of this entry »

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Overview of GUI Frameworks for mobile Web

Conventionally, our project implementation can be split into two parts: server side development and front-end development.  This post is devoted entirely to front-end development (interface design). In particular, we will talk about current RIA technologies for mobile Web and benefits which these technologies can bring to our project.

In order to provide a user with an interactive and rich interface we considered many GUI frameworks for mobile browsers and, finally, stopped our selection on “jQuery mobile”, “jQTouch” and “Modernizr”.

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