Telemetricor – Graphic Designer & Illustrator
Telemetricor, based just outside of Winchester, are looking for a talented graphic designer and/or illustrator to come and do some part time work with us.
We are a tech company focused on solving problems with collecting and analysing data from remote or hostile environments. We have just launched a new product, at and need some help producing high quality marketing materials (corporate styling, branding, etc), and a consistent look and feel across our portfolio. We would also like to redo our main company website (, and need someone to help us produce something slick, and consistent on that front too (design only, we can implement – though web dev skills are a bonus).
We need someone as soon as possible, and anticipate that there is about 1 week’s worth of work (not all of which needs to be done at once if other studies & exams are pressing), following which there is likely to be continued part time work available.
Pay is £10/hour, and we’re based near Micheldever, about 10 minutes from Winchester. We’re accessible by train, or could potentially arrange a lift.
If of interest, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact with a CV and/or examples of your work.