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Event Camera Person & Editor Required – The Great Waste Event at WSA

Winchester School of Art is hosting an all-day (9.30 to 5.30) event on Saturday 10th October in conjunction with Winchester Action on Climate Change. The event will include a workshop for 5th/6th formers, with Reem Alasadi, to make new clothes out of second-hand clothes. The event at WSA will form part of a city-wide competition which will culminate with the successful design(s) being shown on the catwalk at Winchester Fashion Week in April. More information about The Great Waste can be found here: http://www.thegreatwaste.org/

We are looking for an enthusiastic and professional student to film the event, then edit the footage into a 2-3 minute long video. The video will need to contain all of the following elements:

  • The teams working at different stages throughout day.
  • The prize giving at the end at the end of the day.
  • A suitable Soundtrack, which you will need to select.
  • Explain through video or still images the wider context of the event.
  • Possibly include interviews and sound bites about the importance of reusing clothes to make new designs.

This is a paid opportunity at a fixed rate of £150, which covers the time spent filming on 10th October and time spent editing the video.

For more information about this opportunity or to apply please contact Craig Wadman via c.wadman@soton.ac.uk, including a link to any past work or short videos you feel demonstrate your experience and ability.