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Digital Designer (Junior)

Looking for graduates with the following skills:

Essential Skills:


o                 HTML & CSS

o                 (not talking about using WYSIWYG editors like Dreamweaver, proper from scratch coding. Or the ability to apply HTML/CSS to new languages)

o                 Ability to blend standard’s compliant code and cutting edge as necessary

o                 Ability to integrate Javascript  (or knowledge of Javascript/jQuery to code from scratch)

o                 Photoshop

o                 Illustrator


o                 Obsessive attention to detail, typography and layout

o                 Works neatly

o                 Work individually or as part of a team

o                 Ability to ask for help


Desirable Skills

Print, design & digital

o                 InDesign

o                 Office

o                 Word templates

o                 PowerPoint

o                 Knowledge WordPress & Shopify theming

o                 In depth knowledge of computers


Salary on application. Hours flexible. Location. Eastleigh

Please contact Mark Applin if interested ma@intermediasolutions.com